Thursday, October 12, 2006


i kinda had a scary situation at work today. i sub during nap time for a 2 year old class. today when i went in, the teacher started telling me about one of the kids. she told me that his parents are going through a divorce and that there is a restraining order against the mom. this was not the unusual part because i've had other kids that stay with aunts, uncles or grandparents because there are restraining orders on one or both of their parents. however, for this kid, the teacher told me that it was very possible that the mom could try to come today to get him. she had to tell me what all to do if she came, then she got to what to do if she had a weapon with her. whoa whoa whoa...a weapon? yeah that kinda scared me. the thought of waking up 7 sleeping toddlers and getting them into another classroom was a bit frightening. so anyway, i just kept sitting there watching this kid sleeping so peacefully, thinking about how little he knows about the troubles that are sure to come in his life, even at his young age. it made me very sad for the kid, and scared to think of the responsibility that i had for those kids' safety.

anyway, the pics are some that my roommate took while we were outside with our k-2nd grade kids yesterday. vincent could be a future model, don't you agree?! that's what lizzie & i think anyway.