Thursday, August 30, 2007


things i miss about 2nd graders
-hugs for no reason
-excitement over pulled teeth
-telling me everything
-random stories
-comforting them when they cry
-helping them put on bandaids when they're hurt
-cute little laughs
-never-ending energy
-playing knockout and pig in the gym
-how they actually like for me to play with them
-how i can give them time out, but they still like me anyway

starting this week, i just got 5th-7th graders (to help out with my resume a little). they're great too, & i just need to get used to them, but i miss my 2nd graders.=( plus it's hard to feel as much in charge when half of them are taller than i am (one 12 yr old girl is 5'11"!). so anyway, i guess just pray for me as i get used to this new age & figure out how to relate to them & how to get them to actually do what i say.

Friday, August 10, 2007

clothes fights & horses

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket i realize that stories about my kids at work are not as funny if you don't know the kids or hear the stories in person, but i thought i'd share anway. this little red-head is ca-razy!! he's so loud & is always getting into trouble. when he looks at me & realizes that i've seen him do something he's not supposed to do, he'll hang his head & make his way sloooowly to time out...on his own heheh. i'll ask him why he hit the other kid, etc. & instead of lying like most kids he mumbles, "i just did." other times i'll say "you need to go sit down," or give some other instructions & his response will be to point his index finger in the air, yell "NEVER!" and run away. well yesterday he walked by & was looking down at his shorts saying, "don't say that!" we were like uhhh, why are you talking to your shorts? & he explained that they were saying bad words. he went into this long story about why he had worn the shorts that he wore. just so happens that there had been a fight in his clothes drawer that morning & his shorts (which he apparently named michael) were calling "mr. jeans" bad names. so michael's punishment was that the kid would wear them & get them all sweaty & dirty. today his shorts named albert lost a fight against mr. jeans, so they were the ones to get sweaty & dirty.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket's the girl (the taller one) that belongs to the quote "on the outside i'm a girl, but on the inside i'm really a horse." she is neighing, galloping, trotting, drawing horses, etc. ALL the time. i had to make a classroom rule: "no animals inside." so she definitely makes up for it when we're outside. but she's always forgetting not to neigh inside (it's really loud), so i just give her a look & she says, "i just can't help it!" *edit: i just noticed that on my very first post ever - a year ago - i have a pic of this same girl acting like a horse...didn't remember she was a horse last year too! hahah*

so anyway, i guess i kinda want these stories written down for myself cause knowing the kids that go along with the stories just makes me laugh & i don't want to forget the stories. :)