Wednesday, September 27, 2006


i'm now finished with my 9 days of house-sitting. the dog became very attached to me. he liked to sit in the bathroom and watch me put on my makeup. i had to take the picture from above cause every time i tried to bend down to take it, he would get excited & run to me so that i would pet him. he is 12 years old so he pretty much just slept the whole time. it was pretty gross at this complex though. it's an expensive one, but right outside my door there was a big pile of diarrhea, another pile of poo, a big box of beer bottles, a dirty stuffed Big Bird, and ..... a dead mouse! such sanitary living conditions. the office lady just laughed when i told her & no one did anything about it until 2 days later. it was disgusting. but by the parking lot there was this nice little pond with lots of ducks & even swans one day. guess it's not too exciting in such small pics. but the baby ones were really cute!

i have war wounds! not really, but work is becoming a little scary. i have a girl with downs syndrome in my class and her behavior is getting worse and worse. at first it was just hitting, kicking, & spitting (in the face - me and the kids). today she also added scratching, pinching, and hair pulling to the list. oh she head buts me too. i'm so worried about her hurting the other kids cause i'm the only teacher in there. i have to watch her every second...and still pay attention to the other kids too & get their snacks & everything. i've gotta try to talk to the director tomorrow, but i'm kinda afraid to cause she doesn't think it's as bad as i say. so pray that i will tell her everything that's going on & not let her ignore the situation or downplay it!


Anonymous said...

aww, Jack is cute! He's going to miss you. And the pond is pretty. Wish that were right outside my winder instead of big dusty ruins that make my house dusty. come visit me now!

Anonymous said...

Aww...I'm glad that you and Jack bonded. :) That doesn't make sense that such an expensive apartment complex would be so trashy! Yikes. I remember you telling me about that lil girl. I will definitely pray about that situation. Love you!

Anonymous said...

haha...maybe you should tell your kids, "sssiiii".

Lacey said...

Jack is a cutie pie...and I like baby ducks! :)

Hope everything is going well for you!!! When are you coming down again?