Friday, August 10, 2007

clothes fights & horses

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket i realize that stories about my kids at work are not as funny if you don't know the kids or hear the stories in person, but i thought i'd share anway. this little red-head is ca-razy!! he's so loud & is always getting into trouble. when he looks at me & realizes that i've seen him do something he's not supposed to do, he'll hang his head & make his way sloooowly to time out...on his own heheh. i'll ask him why he hit the other kid, etc. & instead of lying like most kids he mumbles, "i just did." other times i'll say "you need to go sit down," or give some other instructions & his response will be to point his index finger in the air, yell "NEVER!" and run away. well yesterday he walked by & was looking down at his shorts saying, "don't say that!" we were like uhhh, why are you talking to your shorts? & he explained that they were saying bad words. he went into this long story about why he had worn the shorts that he wore. just so happens that there had been a fight in his clothes drawer that morning & his shorts (which he apparently named michael) were calling "mr. jeans" bad names. so michael's punishment was that the kid would wear them & get them all sweaty & dirty. today his shorts named albert lost a fight against mr. jeans, so they were the ones to get sweaty & dirty.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket's the girl (the taller one) that belongs to the quote "on the outside i'm a girl, but on the inside i'm really a horse." she is neighing, galloping, trotting, drawing horses, etc. ALL the time. i had to make a classroom rule: "no animals inside." so she definitely makes up for it when we're outside. but she's always forgetting not to neigh inside (it's really loud), so i just give her a look & she says, "i just can't help it!" *edit: i just noticed that on my very first post ever - a year ago - i have a pic of this same girl acting like a horse...didn't remember she was a horse last year too! hahah*

so anyway, i guess i kinda want these stories written down for myself cause knowing the kids that go along with the stories just makes me laugh & i don't want to forget the stories. :)


mel_peru said...

what funny kids! don't you love working with them?! i like your pictures and wish you would post more often. please write your other entry too.

mel_peru said...

aww put it back!

Lacey said...

Look! It's Riss!!! Back from the blog-dead!!! So good to have you back!

Those kids sound hilarious!! Ah, to be a kid again!! :) Were we that crazy when we were little??

Mary Anna said...


Lol! That redheaded boy sounds like a trip!

I thoroughly enjoyed your stories! :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha i just saw this post. that is hilarious about the clothes fights hahaha. wow. you have weird kids. :) jk.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!! That is sooo funny!!! It made me sad to see the things you miss about them, I miss them too. I guess having the other kids will be good for you to see which age group you really want to work with.....sometimes we change our plans when these kids plant seed in our hearts and bring us more joy than we though our original plan would. amy